Relaxing Saturday Home Alone, I Think Not!

I was so happy to have the house to myself after a long week of having all the kids home.  I mean, I love my kids but sometimes you need a break. I’ll tell you more about all our kids later, spoiler alert: we have 6!

My husband, we’ll just call him “S”, has volunteered for the Special Olympics for many years and this weekend was their softball tournament. He and our five older kids left early to help out at the tournament. I went downstairs with the baby, “A~2”, after they left to start my coffee and was in the middle of organizing my little spot on the couch (phone, MacBook, channel changer, you know the necessities) when I noticed that our older son, “T”, who’s turn it was to clean the kitchen after dinner last night did not finish the job.

Now wait, this blog is not intended to be a place for me to rag on my kids but I just had to share this. So okay, he’s twelve I understand that there’s going to be dishes he’s going to miss, I totally get that, really I do. However, he left a pot half full of left over mashed potatoes on the stove, which would have made a great lunch for me, but decided to go through the trouble to find a container for the “left over” green beans and put them in the fridge. And now for the punch line…..there were no left over green beans! Funny, maybe. Troubling, possibly. How…why…did he not notice that there was none left?? Is the curse of the teenage years now upon us? If so, God please help us.


Where’s the green beans???

So by the time I finished cleaning the kitchen to my liking, an hour later, the baby was screaming! While we’re on the topic of little A, or A~2, she’s been a tough baby! I’ve only raised one of our other children from birth, Z (10 years old), the other four came into my life almost two years ago along with their daddy <3. This new little one has been the total opposite of her big sister Z. She cries a lot and demands to be held constantly. I know, I’ve spoiled her. But really, can a newborn baby be spoiled? In my opinion, no. I’m sure some people might disagree and that’s okay too. She might just be the last baby I’ll have since we already have 6, of course I’m not getting any younger (currently 32), and I would really like to get going with my career (graduated nursing school in 2011 with a ADN, currently licensed RN pursuing a BSN through an online program). With that being said, I think I may just spoil the heck out of her.

So this little cutie actually turned two months old today! One of the things on my very limited agenda was to get a picture of her little smile. As some of you readers may now, that can be almost impossible until they start smiling more frequently. She’s still a new smiler; she just started smiling two days ago. I wasn’t able to capture her smile, but she sure is a cutie!

My little 2 month old cutie

My little 2 month old cutie

My quiet time ended shortly after this photo was taken. My husband and our five other children came home 4 hours early due to the heat. As soon as they came through the door the fridge was opened followed by “we’re hungry, what’s for lunch?”. My first thought, “do I really have to cook in my clean kitchen?” Mommy problems….

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